To allow easy structuring of an article, wiki format has automatic section formatting. This includes a Content panel for articles with many sections (more than 3).
A section title is added by surrounding the title in = signs.
==Section Title==
Single = signs (=Title=) are reserved to the article title at the top - please do not use them. Instead, the top-level sections are formatted with == double signs.
Section Title
A number is automatically added to the section title.
Next Section
This automatically increments with the next section.
Third section
You can add a subsection simply by writing a title with more than two == signs.
First subsection
If a subsection is made, it will be numbered in this way.
Second subsecion
Please do not leave out any level. The correct way to sectionize is this:
==Top level== ===Subsection=== ====Sub-subsection====
==Top level== ====Subsection==== ======Sub-subsection======
The content of a section always begins after the section title and ends before the next title on the same level or on a higher level. Thus, the first section is between ==First Section== and ==Second section==; any ===Subsection=== lying in between is included. The subsection is between ===Subsection=== and ==Second Section==.
Do not link inside a section title. It is possible, but it runs against common format and it looks like rubbish.
You can link directly to a subsection within a given article with the '#' sign. Linking to
will link to Vahnatai#Language. It is also possible to link within the same page.
[[#Section Title]]
will take you to #Section Title. The top level of an article is #top