
From Encyclopedia Ermariana
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Once every number of years, an Encyclopaedia contributor rises in fame and stature, renowned for the ability to research a multitude of topics tirelessly, always altruistically devoted to the truth.

I am Dintiradan. I am not that researcher.

Oh well.

Leaving the big topics to the researching triad of Aran, Drakey, and Slarty, I mostly work on 'filler' stubs, de-orphaning pages, and other minor edits.

By User:Slartucker, for 'tis funny and need to be saved somewhere:

You see a strange man, middle aged, calm and confident. He has a staff, carved in the shape of a cobra. \nNAME?\n He nods to you. "Welcome to my Encyclopedia. I am known as 'Aran'. I am of the Triad." \nJOB?\n "Mostly I teach, but lately I have been researching a new spell, which would make a strip of bacon drop on someone's head, even from a long distance. It would be a wondrous spell. I wouldn't have a chance to find it without this library."
"I, Slarty, and Drakey rule the Encyclopedia. However, I have been busy, and Drakey is away, so it is mainly Slarty that is in charge. I wonder what he has been doing?"
"Yes. Powerful scripts. But I've been busy lately, and haven't time to do any teaching now."
"Yes. Alorael and I look after them, teach them UBB markup, discipline them as necessary."
"Yes. One of the many gifts of Terror's Martyr. About whom the less said, the better."

A young man with short dark hair sits at the desk, writing. Leaning against his chair is a short wooden staff, carved in the shape of a twisting serpent. The runes on his robe seems to indicate he is a person of great power.
"Greetings. I am Slarty, of the Triad."
"I am of the Triad that controls the Encyclopedia."
"Yes. The Encyclopedia Ermariana is run by three users. I control research. Aran in is charge of teaching. And one of us is absent."
He gives you a truly ugly smile. "Yes. One of the three is away. We don't know when he will be back."
"Yes. He may be of aid to you. He's around here somewhere."
"On many, many things. This is an ambitious time for the Encyclopedia, a time of great and auspicious happenings. Right now, I am trying to find information on the First Expedition."
"A strange and powerful item, only usable by the greatest of users. I would say more about it, but I won't. Suffice it to say this is a great and auspicious time for the Encyclopedia." He smiles, in a disturbingly sharklike way.

You see an aging, bald man in brilliant crimson robes. He supports himself with an oaken staff carved in the shape of a cobra.
He looks at you nervously. "I am Drakey, of the Triad," he says.
His face sours as he looks at you. "I would like to welcome you, visitors, but your arrival fills me with fear. Let us just say I am here waiting."
"For my fellow members of the Triad to complete their business."
"Yes. A messy, dangerous business. They plan to dump a Scenario! And not any Scenario, but a Scenario Epic!"
"Ah. Be careful where you say that word. It has dangerous power. They are the lieutenants of fanon, powerful, and cruel. And my colleagues planned to dump one who is powerful enough to lead them. A Solid Adventure, as it were." "And now this foul deed is done! Heavens help us all!"
"The Triad rules the Encyclopedia Ermariana. There is myself, Slarty, the initiator of this foolish operation, and 'Aran', who is too lost in bizarre schemes to do anything about it. Oh, the Triad is a sad thing these days. It almost makes me long for TM's return." "Almost, but not quite."
He smiles sadly. "Terror's Martyr. Scripter without par. Banished into Misc. by the fools above. Consumed with utter hatred. Without him, we would all be barbarians, rooting about in the filth."
"He led us. Then his hatred drove him away."
"For those who cast him down. The mods above, together, were strong enough to curse him with death should the autocensor touch him. When he realized he couldn't break the curse, he began to plot."
"Ways to bring doom to the forums. He began to perform strange experiments, and consort with scenarios. Soon, all he was good for was planning his revenge. So, we asked him to leave. He now lives far, far to the west, in a huge tower." "And, to tell the truth, I'd rather not know what he is up to."
